Everything you
always wanted to know
about taxes

What are the new tax brackets, and which (deduction-) amounts are adjusted and which are not?
Small businesses can avail of the income tax flat rate for a yearly turnover up to € 40,000 in the future.
More than 1.7 billion euros in wage tax are refunded every year. Don’t do without it!
At the beginning of the month, the National Council enacted the Tax Amendment Act 2022. An overview of the Income Tax and VAT Reforms.
More than 1.7 billion euros in wage tax are refunded every year. Don’t do without it!
How it works and what it has to do with employee profit sharing.
What sets apart Principal Residence from other Domiciles and why is it interesting for tax exemption purposes?
Relief for Families with the Family Bonus starting July 2022
Using E-Bike and Bike as Company Vehicles are not only good for our environment and health but can also be tax beneficial

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